Reading exercise

Reading exercises
Past continuous

Instructions 1: Read the story "Ann" abd abswer the questions assigned to you on a comment in this entry. Before answering, please read well, think about your answer, and be clear and concise. Remember to use the past continuous tense.

Who was she? Where was she? What was happening?

Yesterday, it was raining and thundering all day. Ann was playing inside the house. She wanted to be outside. She wasn't playing outside because it was raining. She was feeling tired of being trapped inside the house. Ann was trying to keep busy inside the house. She was reading her book until the electricity went out. Then, she decided to practice her sewing. She was practicing sewing until lunchtime. After lunch, she sat by the window and watched the rain. While Ann was watching the rain, the phone rang. Her mother was calling to say she was coming home. She was bringing a new game. Ann and her mother ate ice cream and played the game. While they were playing, the rain stopped! But Ann didn't even notice. She was having such a good time with her mom! She was really happy!


1. Where was Ann playing yesterday? Why wasn't she playing outside?

2. What was Ann doing before the electricity went out? What was she doing until lunch time?

3. At the end of the story, the rain stopped. What was Ann doing?
